I’m not sure why “talking about money” is one of those things that people cringe about. I do get it, it is a sensitive topic that makes people uncomfortable, however when you’re talking about money in a positive way in regards to the incredible impact it can have on others, yourself, and the world, I think we should shout it from the rooftops.
This is something to celebrate. Not to feel shame about.
You see, no matter who you are and how much money you have, we all have things we can give. We can give our time and energy, our talents and resources, our emotions and passion. And when we give monetarily, we celebrate generosity in a different way.
So let’s talk about that real quick.
You’re hosting this Party for Her because your heart was stirred. Maybe it was stirred by the statistics you’ve read about how deeply women and girls are affected by the Global Water Crisis. Maybe you yourself have experienced the joy of being empowered by others and you want to give that back to the women we get the opportunity to serve. Maybe you were just enticed by the really pretty photos you saw and thought “Hey, I can throw a party for her!” Whatever your reasoning, your heart was stirred to be a part of something bigger. To join your sisters around the world in support of each other.
So when it comes to the part of your party when you ask your friends to give to the cause, go in boldly and confidently. Because you’re not awkwardly asking them to buy Tupperware or jewelry. You’re inviting them into a story that they want to be a part of. You’re casting a vision of generosity!
Trust me, they want to be a part of it. That’s why they’re at your party. We women are intrinsically made to want to help others. It’s one of our biggest gifts. So by asking your friends to sign up for #25for25, you’re actually giving them a gift. You’re giving them the gift of generosity.
So before we get into the logistics, I want to encourage you to read this to yourself a few minutes before you ask you friends. Give yourself a little pep talk. Remind yourself of why you wanted to share the message of The Her Initiative with your friends in the first place.
Ok, the logistics (also be sure to watch the video resource to see how easy it is to walk your friends through signing up online):
Still a little nervous or uncomfortable? Call me. Email me. Text me. I’m serious. I want to support you in this and be available for any questions you may have!
For her,
*Click here to check out all of our Party for Her Kits!
To learn more about how Healing Waters implements the efforts of the Her Initiative, click here.